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Our Services - Security System

PT. Puterako Inti Buana memiliki keahlian dan teknologi dalam merancang dan instalasi Security System yang terintegrasi. Di antaranya seperti Access Control System, Surveillance System, Alarm System, serta berbagai sistem pendukungnya. Dengan Security System yang terintegrasi, Customers dapat memiliki meningkatkan keamanan untuk berbagai aset konfidensial secara efektif, efisien dan kredibel.


PT. Puterako Inti Buana has the expertise and technology in designing and installing an integrated Security System. Among them are the Access Control System, Surveillance System, Alarm System, and various supporting systems. With an integrated Security System, Customers can have increased security for various confidential assets effectively, efficiently and credibly.

Surveillance System

Sistem Pengawasan

Access Control

Kontrol Akses

Alarm System

Sistem Alarm