Infrastruktur pusat data adalah infrastruktur inti teknologi informasi (IT) yang menunjang berbagai sistem penunjang kebutuhan masyarakat modern. Mulai dari sistem komunikasi, sistem keamanan, sistem produksi, dan berbagai sistem IT lainnya. Didukung oleh prinsipal terkemuka, serta tim teknisi bersertifikat dan berpengalaman, kami yakin PT. Puterako Inti Buana dapat memberikan desain dan instalasi terbaik untuk Customers.
Data center infrastructure is the core infrastructure for information technology (IT) that supports various systems that support the needs of modern people. Starting from communication systems, security systems, production systems, and various other IT systems. Supported by leading principals, as well as a team of certified and experienced technicians, we believe PT. Puterako Inti Buana can provide the best design and installation for Customers.
IT Contractor Jakarta, Kontraktor IT di surabaya dan jakarta. Serta Security system integrator.