Dengan mempertimbangkan kebutuhan berbagai layanan, seperti sistem rekam medis elektronik (Electronic Health Record/EHR), sistem monitoring pasien, komunikasi antara tenaga medis, dan koneksi internet untuk keperluan administratif. Prioritas jaringan data di rumah sakit sangat penting karena dapat memengaruhi kinerja sistem medis dan layanan kesehatan yang kritis. PT. Puterako telah dipercaya oleh tiga rumah sakit besar yaitu Rumah Sakit Hermina, Rumah Sakit Brawijaya, dan Rumah Sakit Juanda untuk pemasangan jaringan data baik secara kabel ataupun nirkabel di seluruh area rumah sakit.
Taking into account the needs of various services, such as electronic health record (EHR) systems, patient monitoring systems, communication between medical personnel, and internet connections for administrative purposes. The prioritization of data networks in hospitals is very important because it can affect the performance of critical medical systems and health services. PT Puterako has been trusted by three major hospitals namely Hermina Hospital, Brawijaya Hospital, and Juanda Hospital for the installation of data networks both wired and wireless throughout the hospital area.